Delusion of Separation
Once upon a time, there was only the delusion of his presence, the sound of his footsteps, the pyramid of his breath, and the heaviness of his gaze. There was a vision within the water, a savior and a shipmaster. To lose him, first, you must attain him, but there was no one to achieve, as humans are born lonely. There was only one, and remained so in the end, yet the delusion of separation did not depart from him who does not exist.
Look at my hands, which have traversed through floods.
Look at my fists;
I’ve concluded wars on my feet.
Observe the lines of my hands;
They’re the patterns of life.
I have existed forever, and I will continue to exist forever.
Whatever I consciously plant in my heart
Will bloom in my hands.
It’s a moment when you depart for the mountain,
and merge with the mountain; a moment when you lie on the damp forest soil, and with each breath, your body becomes one with the forest, and each time, you become one with the universe, unique. In your veins, an eternal anecdote flows instead of blood, and you will see trees growing on the skin of your body. Have you returned to the world, or has the world returned to you? It doesn’t make any difference; the world creates you from within yourself.
I started from a bit in the moment,
I stayed in the memory of the moment,
I blossomed in the moment, and the bit joined
the past.
I bloom in the moment, and the sprout turns
into an anecdote.
In the moment, I turn into fruit, and the blossom
turns into soil.
I become whatever I must be.
Sunlight creates the moment of my body.
Presence Moment
Power, surpassing passion, in just a moment, would destroy everything that exists, creating a new world. Surpassing peace, it seems as if heaven has descended upon the earth. All the things promised to us. It seems that nothing exists on earth, that all things do not exist; all things and all people are unique existence. A moment that cannot be conveyed by words and pictures, a presence moment. Presence is Pure Consciousness, a consciousness that transcends the form of minds and worlds.
Liberation from conditioned minds and their structural delusions only occurs in a presence moment…
Statue of Pain
Every emotional pain you experience leaves remnants that linger and reside within us. Pain is not eradicated. It settles at the point of impact and spreads through the flesh of humans. The land traverses the soul, making sure of its presence. Somewhere in the midst of darkness, it settles, casting its shape. The figure transforms the darkness of its host into fear, anger, suppression, cure, and a statue of pain.